from one of the top Recruitment Agency & Outsourcing Company in Thailand & Indonesia


First Impressions Last



The interview opportunity is an important marketing channel and the interviews play a crucial role in what image the candidates receive from your company. It may sound obvious, but did you know that 2 out of 3 candidates got a worse picture of the company after the interview? It shows a survey that we did together with Fischer & Partners Recruitment & Executive Search Indonesia. This means that many employers today give a less professional picture at the interview sessions. According to the survey, the most common reason for the less good impression is that the interviewer is perceived as rude. It is something that risks affecting the employers' brands negatively and shows the importance of professional recruiters and structured interviews.





We have all been in some kind of interview situation in one way or another. It can be a charged meeting where the focus from the candidate's perspective is to highlight the things that you want the interviewer to hear. From the recruiter's perspective, it is about asking those questions that give an objective picture of the qualifications the candidate has and how well they match the job. It is about succeeding in making an objective assessment while at the same time conveying an offer and leaving as good an impression as possible. But what is it besides a professional approach that creates a good impression of the potential employer at the interview?


A structured approach is key to both making a professional impression and making good and factual assessments. Certainly, anyone can hold interviews, but a professional recruiter is educated and has the tools and knowledge required to conduct really good and qualitative interviews. By working in a structured way, the probability that the recruiter assesses candidates on equal terms increases, which leads to both a better picture of the company and not least successful matches. In addition, many recruiters are really good sellers and they know how to convey value in the meeting with candidates.



Tips from the recruiter - What is most important to think about in an interview process?


There are many things to consider when conducting interviews. Nedchanok who works as a recruiter has a look at what is required for the interviews to be as good as possible. Here's Nedchanok's 3 quick tips on how to conduct a successful interview process.


  • It is important to prepare how the different steps in the process will look like and to set a plan for how many opportunities one should meet with candidates. My recommendation is to keep it to two hits so that it will not be too time-consuming for the candidate who may already have a full-time job. For more interviews, don't forget to invite a colleague from the team.


  • Before the interview, it is also important to create the right conditions. Be clear about what the candidate should prepare, for example, if it is a case and does not forget the most important - Feedback. The candidate needs to know what is the next step.


  • Last but not least, you should prepare interview questions and preferably make a guide on what to ask. Skills-based questions are based on personal qualities where the candidate can give examples of reality-based situations. Here it is very important to also ask the same questions to the candidates in order to get an objective picture and base the selection on objective grounds.